Writer. Creator. Team-Builder.

I’m a writer/editor and savvy online communications strategist who has spent a decade crafting award-winning content for K-12 and higher education audiences.

Currently, I'm the social media voice of the Council for Advancement and Support of Education, a global association that's 90,000 members strong. I also write for our publications, including the award-winning Currents magazine.

Before CASE, I created print and digital content for the National Association of Elementary School Principals and the National Education Association.

What drives me? Exploring the inner workings of education. Telling great stories. Mentoring, team-building, and growing communities that thrive.

Education and writing: these are my professional and personal through lines. Before landing in the D.C. area, I led after-school book clubs and leadership programs for girls as an AmeriCorps volunteer at Mainely Girls in Rockport, Maine. I studied journalism at Ohio University's Honors Tutorial College, researching voice and gender in magazine writing for my thesis.

Outside work, I devote as much time as I can to youth programs and organizations that empower girls. I've coached with Girls on the Run, tutored, led writing workshops, and served as a camp counselor. Since 2012, I've been a mentor with SOHO - A Space of Her Own in Alexandria, Virginia. In 2020, my mentee graduated from high school and I couldn’t be more proud.  

In my spare time, I run, read, paint, and spend time with my family in my hometown of Cincinnati. In my adopted home of Washington, D.C., I love exploring our area’s creative, cultural, and community activities.   

See my résumé for more on my background and let's be in touch.